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Case Studies > Wireless Transmitter Replaces Slip-Rings

Most large food retailes are now insisting on detailed cooking records for the cooked food products supplied to them. This entails logging the internal temperature of the food using temperature probes, typically thermocouples.

The problem is then one of getting these thermocouple readings out of the ovens to the data logging equipment.

In the past this has been done on rotating ovens by feeding the signals through slip-rings located in the top of the oven. This has led to noisy and un-reliable readings and hefty maintenance bills.

The Industrial Interface solution was to wire 4 thermocouples into a Z-Head-4 ZigBee wireless transmitter located on the rotating part at the top of the oven. these values are then sent wirelessly to a receiver on the fixed part of the oven. This receiver then transmits the values to the oven HMI which logs the cooking temperatures, so achieving the traceabillity required.

For further details on the Z-Head-4 and other ZigBee wireless transmitters please click here.